понедельник, 8 декабря 2014 г.

Russian traditional food.

Pelmeni is a popular main course dish in Russian. Its name means "ear" (pel) and "bread" (nan).
To cook them, you simply boil them in salted water for a few minutes. They are usually served with sour cream and vinegar.
You can always find it in restaurantes or cafes, because it is a popular Rassian food.

Blini is the second popular dish in Russia. Blini is very thin and and looks like Sun. They are sirvise with condensed milk , sour cream or honey. They are very tasty! ♥

Borsch is not only Russian food it is Ukrain dish too. It always servide with sour cream and greens. Borsch is very tasty dish. There are a lot of ingridients.

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