Nowadays good manners are very important. I think if you have good manners it will be easyer to live in our civilization. As for me to have bad body odour is disgusting! I think nobody wants to have a discussion with someone who has bad body odour. Have bad table manners means that you aren't strong to differ from the cave person. Also I hate when somebody takes my own thing without asking! Because it is terrible when someone takes something yours without asking and after you can't find that thing!
When you traveling don't forget about manners and try to find some information about etiquette in country that you are going to visit. I want to tell you about social etiquette in UK. If you are meeting someone for the first time, extend a hand to say hello. Britons greet each other with firm handshakes. Hugs are rare, but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives. Also, it is important to make eye contact while speaking with someone; otherwise you will seem rude or insincere. Use titles, such as Dr Smith or Mr Norris, to show respect, unless someone invites you to use their first name.
Giving a thumbs up or okay sign are all positive gestures. Using your index finger to point at someone is impolite,- instead, extend your entire hand, palm facing up. In the UK, a smile is a sign of friendliness and even politeness. So, if someone smiles at you, return the gesture! However friendly Brits may seem, though, they still prefer that you don’t get too close to them.
Now you know something about manners and UK etiquette, don't forget to use it!
Some etiquette is useful around the world. For example you need to close your mouth when you yawn. No one knows for sure why we yawn, but one theory is that when you’re tired or bored, you don’t breathe as deeply as usual, so yawning helps you to take more oxygen into the blood. Other scientists say that yawning stretches the muscles and lungs and increases the heart rate, helping us to stay more alert. Most people seem to agree about one thing, though ... yawning is contagious! Or when you sneeze you also need to close your mouth. When something such as dust, pollen or a virus irritates the inside of our nose, a message goes to the brain. The brain then tells six different muscles including your eyelids to push air out through your nose at up to 160 kmph.
Isn't study abroad a good idea? You can learn new things about world!
These days more and more people are deciding to study abroad. Some think this is a good idea because it is challenging and life enriching, but others believe it is not particularly beneficial and can cause certain problems. Without a doubt, there are some advantages to studying abroad. Firstly, you can become fluent in the local language. This is a valuable skill that will improve your employment prospects when you graduate. Secondly, studying abroad allows you to learn a great deal about another culture. You can gain knowledge and friends and have new and valuable experiences that will enrich your life.
When you traveling don't forget about manners and try to find some information about etiquette in country that you are going to visit. I want to tell you about social etiquette in UK. If you are meeting someone for the first time, extend a hand to say hello. Britons greet each other with firm handshakes. Hugs are rare, but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives. Also, it is important to make eye contact while speaking with someone; otherwise you will seem rude or insincere. Use titles, such as Dr Smith or Mr Norris, to show respect, unless someone invites you to use their first name.
Giving a thumbs up or okay sign are all positive gestures. Using your index finger to point at someone is impolite,- instead, extend your entire hand, palm facing up. In the UK, a smile is a sign of friendliness and even politeness. So, if someone smiles at you, return the gesture! However friendly Brits may seem, though, they still prefer that you don’t get too close to them.
Now you know something about manners and UK etiquette, don't forget to use it!

Isn't study abroad a good idea? You can learn new things about world!

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